Regal Geraniums (Martha Washington) come in 8″ pots for $22.99

Zonal Geraniums come in 5.5″ pots for $9.89

Seed Geraniums come in 3.5″ pots for $3.39 or a flat of 18 for $51.99

Scented Geraniums (Citrosa) come in 5.5″ pots for $9.89 and 8″ pots for $15.99

Regal Geraniums (Martha Washington)


Claret   (8″ pot)

Imperial   (8″ pot)

Lilac Sachet   (8″ pot)

Zonal Geraniums

Americana White   (5.5″ pot)

Dynamo Tangerine   (5.5″ pot)

Designer Hot Pink   (5.5″ pot)


Dark Burgundy   (5.5″ pot)

Dark Red   (5.5″ pot)

Lavender Splash   (5.5″ pot)

Magenta   (5.5″ pot)

Rose Mega Splash   (5.5″ pot)

Scarlet Fire   (5.5″ pot)


Berry Parfait   (5.5″ pot)

Bright Red   (5.5″ pot)

Evening Glow   (5.5″ pot)


Baby Face   (5.5″ pot)

Coral   (5.5″ pot)

Dark Red   (5.5″ pot)

Fuchsia   (5.5″ pot)

Pink Mega Splash   (5.5″ pot)

Seed Geraniums


Orange   (3.5″ pot)

Quicksilver   (3.5″ pot)

Red   (3.5″ pot)

Scarlet   (3.5″ pot)

Star   (3.5″ pot)

White   (3.5″ pot)

Scented Geraniums (Mosquito Plants)


Citrosa   (5.5″ & 8″ pots)